London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1954

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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16 premises were licensed for the purpose of keeping Pet
Shops. During the year 49 inspections were made and there were
no infringements of the conditions, specified in the licences.
Suspected swine fever was notified from 3 premises during
the year. These and 1 notified from the slaughterhouses were
confirmed and appropriate action was taken in conjunction with
the Officers of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries to provide
against the spread of the disease.
This Act is mainly concerned with the destruction of rats
and mice and it places a duty on the occupier of any premises
to report to the Local Authority any infestation by such rodents.
2 ratcatchers, officially designated rodent operatives, are
employed to deal with such complaints.
During the year, 1,537 private dwellings were inspected
following complaints and in 982 instances infestation was confirmed
and dealt with by the rodent operatives. In 47 instances
defective drainage was permitting the egress of rats from the
sewers - appropriate action was taken to have the drains repaired
and the adjacent sewers treated. 123 business premises were found
to be infested with rats or mice and these were all disinfested
during the year. Corporation owned premises including sewage
works, refuse tips, depots, etc., are periodically inspected for
the presence of rodents and if infested then action is taken by
the department to eradicate the pests. 33 infestations at such
premises were dealt with during the year. Included in the Corporation's
ownership are the sewers of the Borough and for some
years now these have been systematically treated for rat infestation
and the results have shown a steady decline in the rat population
over the years.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries through their pest
control branch are constantly experimenting in the war against
rodents and other pests, and are ready to pass on to Local
Authorities any new findings which will be helpful in this essential
public health function.