London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1954

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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I am indebted to Mrs. C. E. Davies, the Head Mistress, for the
following observations:-
The School is now back in its old building at Winterbourne
Road after being at New Addington for nearly three years.
The school syllabus is based on the ophthalmic surgeon's
recommendations and no physical exercises are done without his
advice. The children are allowed to go swimming and every week a
party of children go for instruction to Croydon Public Baths.
Because of the children's enthusiasm this has been continued all
through the winter.
The sight of several children has improved sufficiently for
them to return to ordinary schools. One child went straight from
St. Luke's to Wallington Grammar School, one was transferred to
Gilbert Scott School and one has returned to a Secondary Modern
School •
On Open Day last year, although the school was then at New
Addington, nearly all the parents made the long journey to see the
school and the work, and al1 applauded the play given by the Senior
It will be appreciated that all the teaching in a school of
this nature is individual, and because of this many of the children
are able to obtain employment of a high standard. One boy has been
given a five year apprenticeship with an engineering firm, who,
because of his educational standard, are paying for him to continue
his education at the Polytechnid. Another is employed by an electrical
firm who are also paying for his further education at the
Polytechnic. One girl is employed at a large departmental store
in Croydon. Another girl who started work as a general clerk with
a local firm, is now being trained by them for secretarial work.
On the 31st December last the number on roll at this school
was 29, of which number more than half were of senior school age.