London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1950

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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Acts, Adoptive 67
Airport 90
Ambulance Service 52
Amusement Houses 73
Animals, Keeping of 73
Ante-Natal Clinic 39
Births 4, 5, 6
Byelaws and Regulations 67
Cancer 12
Chemical Analyses 36
Chest Clinic 20
Child Minders 89
Contacts, Tuberculosis 26
Convalescence 56
Committee 1
Cremation 90
Dairies, Cowsheds and Milkshops 78
Day Nurseries 43
Deaths 4,5,6,11
Dental Treatment—M. & C.W. 44
Diphtheria 17
Disinfection 73
Disinfestation 74
Ditches 73
Domestic Helps 56
Drainage 73
Dysentery 17
Extra Nourishment 26
Factories and Workshops 71
Fertilisers & Feeding Stuffs Act 75
Foods 75, 76, 77, 82
Gastro-Enteritis 17
Health Propaganda 57
Health Visitors, Work of 48a
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Acts, Adoptive 67
Airport 90
Ambulance Service 52
Amusement Houses 73
Animals, Keeping of 73
Ante-Natal Clinic 39
Births 4,5, 6
Byelaws and Regulations 67
Cancer 12
Chemical Analyses 36
Chest Clinic 20
Child Minders 89
Contacts, Tuberculosis 26
Convalescence 56
Committee 1
Cremation 90
Dairies, Cowsheds and Milkshops 78
Day Nurseries 43
Deaths 4,5,6,11
Dental Treatment—M. & C.W. 44
Diphtheria 17
Disinfection 73
Disinfestation 74
Ditches 73
Domestic Helps 56
Drainage 73
Dysentery 17
Extra Nourishment 26
Factories and Workshops 71
Fertilisers & Feeding Stuffs Act 75
Foods 75, 76, 77, 82
Gastro-Enteritis 17
Health Propaganda 57
Health Visitors, Work of 48a
Home Helps 56
Home Nursing 26
Homework 72
Hospital, Isolation 16
Housing 69
Housing Act 69
Ice Cream 81
Illegitimacy 4,5,44
Immunisation 18
Infant Welfare Clinics 41
Infant Mortality 4, 7,8,9
Infectious Diseases 14, 16
Inquests 6
Local Acts 67
Marriages 5
Maternity Homes 89
Maternity Homes, Registration 89
Maternity Outfits 51
Measles 14, 16
Meat Inspection 77
Medical Help Records 49
Men's Hostel 70
Mental Health 59
Midwives 49
Midwives, Municipal 50
Midwives Act 49
Milk, Provision of 26
Milk, Examination of 78
Milk, Tuberculous 79
Milkshops 78
Mortality in Childbirth 7
National Assistance Act 90
Neo-Natal Deaths 8
Notification of Birth Acts 6
Nuisances 66
Nursing Equipment 56
Nursing Homes 89
Nurses' Agencies 89
Offensive Trades 73
Ophthalmic Neonatorum 14
Outworkers 72