Croydon 1945

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

The number of cases delivered of viable babies in Mayday
Hospital, with a nominal 68 beds, was 1,027. The number
delivered at St. Mary's Maternity Hospital, with 80 beds, was
609. The number of cases delivered by the Domiciliary Branch
of the Service (Municipal Midwives) was 1,015. Including 48
cases admitted after delivery, the total number of deliveries dealt
with by Lhe Obstetric Service was 2,799. The total number of
infants born was 2,840.
ln April, 1943, Monteagle Nursing Home was equipped and
opened as an annexe to Mayday and St. Mary's Hospitals,
providing 20 additional lying-in beds and 2 nurseries. These
beds are included in the Mayday Hospital beds named above.
327 mothers and babies were transferred from Mayday Hospital,
and 81 mothers and babies from St- Mary's Hospital in 1945 to
finish their nursing after about the 7th day. This has made
possible the considerable increase in the number of deliveries
in Mayday Hospital, and, to a lesser extent, in St. Mary's
Hospital, in 1945, as compared with previous years. The Home
was closed owing to enemy action up to July, 1945. These figures
are, therefore, for the latter half of the year.

General Statistics, 1945.

No. of live births allocated to the Borough of Croydon3,575
still „ „ „ „100
No. of maternal deaths9
No. of cases of notified Puerperal Pyrexia57
No. of expectant mothers who attended the Borough Ante-Natal Clinics3,153
No. of cases delivered in Mayday Hospital as Booked cases (exclusive of abortions)997
No. of cases delivered in Mayday Hospital as Emergency cases (exclusive of abortions)78
Total cases delivered in Mayday Hospital1,075
No. of cases delivered in St. Mary's Maternity Hospital as Booked cases609
No. of cases delivered in St. Mary's Maternity Hospital as Emergency cases-
Total cases delivered in St. Mary's Maternity Hospital609
No. of cases delivered by Municipal midwives1,015