London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1944

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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For each 100 new cases and contacts examined at the Clinic,
150 specimens of sputum were examined.
X-Ray Work.
1,331 X-Ray examinations were made during the year. This
is equivalent to 137 for every 100 new cases and contacts seen,
and compares with a rate of 108 in 1943. In addition, a certain
number of cases who have already been examined at various
hospitals are referred to the Clinic. The X-Ray examinations
were carried out at Mayday Hospital.
Blood Examinations.
Blood sedimentation rate was ascertained in 79 cases at
May Jay Hospital for the Chest Clinic during the year.
Extra Nourishment.
Provision of special nourishment in the form of milk was
granted to 69 selected cases for varying periods during the year,
and 16 cases were in receipt of extra nourishment at the end of
the year.