London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1942

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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Examinations Done Under the National Health Insurance Act.
Nature of Examination. Nature of Examination.
Pus for Gonococci 8 (2 pos.) Urine for Chemical Exam 11
Pus for other organisms 12 Urine for Microscopal Exam 11
Pus for Tub. Bac. 9 Urine for Tub. Bac. 11
Blood for Wasserman 10 (3 pos.) Urine for Cultural Exam. 11
Complete Blood Counts 24 Other Examinations 14
Bacteriological Examination of Milk.
Number of Samples submitted for Counts 484
Number under 10,000 per cc 100
Number over 10,000 but under 50,000
per cc 131
Over 50,000 but under 100,000 per cc 66
Over 100,000 but under 500,000 per cc 97
Over 500,000 but under 1,000,000 per cc 17
Over 1,000,000 per cc 73
Tubercle Bacilli—
Number of samples of milk submitted 484
Number found positive by inoculation test 0
The number of milk examinations increased by 137
Number of samples still under investigation for
T.B. 0
Milk Samples.
484 milk samples submitted to the Methylene Blue Test, of
which 116 failed to satisfy. Of these 95 were further investigated
and 32 of them were found satisfactory to the Bacillus Coli test.
During 1942 the routine of the Diphtheria Immunisation
Clinics remained unchanged; that is to say, alum precipitated
toxoid was the prophylactic used, and Schick testing both before
and after treatment was, except for a few cases, dispensed with.
This meant only two visits compared with four or five of former
New cases came from the following sources:—
School cases 2,660
Infant Welfare cases 2,176
Others under 5 years 675