London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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sheltered existence than men in the later years of life. The higher
proportion of deaths in young adult females is probably accounted
for by the increasing numbers employed at these ages and by the
lack of a proper adjustment to the more strenuous way of life in
modern times. The slimming fashion also cannot be exonerated
from blame.
The number of new cases of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in 1938 in
the age groups 15 to 35 years was greater than in 1937 and, as in
1937, the greatest number occurred in the 25-35 group.
The greater proportion of new cases of Pulmonary Tuberculosis
were in the age groups comprising 1-5-35 years. In the age groups
15 to 35 years there was a greater number of new cases among
women but after 35 years there was a greater number in men.
There is a close similarity between the age distribution of new cases
and of deaths from Pulmonary Tuberculosis. This year the peak
of new cases was in the 25-35 age group. The figures indicate that
Pulmonary Tuberculosis is a rare disease in the first ten years of
Deaths from Non-Pulmonary Tuberculosis.
During 1938, 18 deaths were certified to be due to Non-Pulmonary
Tuberculosis, compared with 15 in 1937; 16 in 1936; 23
in 1935; 13 in 1934; 22 in 1933; 22 in 1932; 19 in 1931; 21 in
1930; 29 in 1929, and 39 in 1928. The deaths were due to:—
Males. Females. Total.
Tuberculous Meningitis 4 3 7
Tb. Meningitis and Miliary Tb. — 1 1
Miliary and Generalised Tb. 2 — 2
Tb. Kidneys — 2 2
Tb. Kidneys, Bladder and Urethra 1 — 1
Tb. Spine — 2 2
Tb. Hip 1 l 2
Tb. Glands of Neck — 1 1
8 10 18