London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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3 Specimens of Blood for Culture, all remained sterile.
+ — Total.
12 Swabs from Eyes, examined for Gonooocci 5—7-—12.
9 Vaginal Swabs, examined for presence of
Gonoccocci 1—8— 9.
18 Specimens of Urines, examined for organisms, cas
blood or pus cells.
6 Specimens of Pus, cultured for organisms, 5 Haemoly
Streptococcus Longus grown, 1 Steri
3 Lochia Swabs for organisms, 2 B. Coli and Staphyloco
present, 1 swab remained sterile.
3 Sputum's examined for presence of B. Tuberculosis,
4 Specimens of Faeces, examined for presence of B. Tub
culosis, all negative.
2 Cerebro-Spinal Fluids, examined and cultured for organist
1 Haemolytic Streptococcus Longus,
1 C.S.F. remained sterile.
1 Eye Swab, cultured for organisms, Haemolvtio Streptococo
Longus isolated.
1 Swab from throat examined for Vincent's Angina positive
Leoffler's Blood Serum—626 dozen tubes.
Agar Agar—5,940 cos.
Peptone Broth—13,000 cos.
Peptone Water—4,500 ccs.
Litmus Milk—250 ccs.
Veal Broth—500 ccs.