London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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408 cases were admitted with a diagnosis of Diphtheria, an
increase of 33 cases on 1937. Of these 12 were found not to be
cases of Diphtheria and 129 were cases of positive swabs without
clinical symptoms, leaving 267 cases of true clinical Diphtheria.
There were 16 deaths, a mortality of 6%.
Analysis of the 267 cases:—
Faucial Diphtheria 246
Nasal Diphtheria 14
Laryngeal Diphtheria 4
Faucial and Nasal Diphtheria 2
Faucial and Laryngeal Diphtheria 1
Total 267
The following complications and sequelae occurred amongst
the Diphtheria cases:—
Otorrhœa 7
Rhinorrhœa 13
Adenitis 14
Heart Failure 15
Secondary Sore Throat 2
Palatal 19
Eyes 6
Facial 2
Diaphragm 1
Albuminuria 1