London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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Taking diseases of bodily systems and group diseases to which
deaths were definitely assigned by the Registrar General, we find:—
per 1,000
Circulatory System (including Atheroma
and Cerebral Hæmorrhage) 1030 or 4.23
Cancer 387 1.59
Respiratory System (not Tubercular) 204 0.84
Tuberculosis (all forms) 137 0.56
Diseases of the Digestive- System (excluding
Cancer and Tuberculosis) 138 0.57
Diseases of Renal System 72 0.30
Infectious Diseases (excluding Tuberculosis
but including Influenza) 70 0.29
Suicides and Violent Deaths 121 0.50
Old Age 25 0.10
Congenital Debility, Prematurity and
Malformation 64 0.26
The greatest single group of causes of death as in 1937 was
diseases of the Circulatory system, and of this group Organic Heart
Disease was the most prominent member (777 deaths).