London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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There were 39 deaths in children of school age; those caused by
Infectious Diseases, 13; Pneumonia, 3; Tuberculosis, 5; Influenza.
2 Diseases of the Respiratory System, 1; other defined causes, 15:
Street Accidents 2
Mastoiditis 1
Lymphatic Leukaemia 1
Aplastic Anaemia 1
Osteo-myelitis 1
Pneumococcal Peritonitis 1
Convulsions 1
Meningococcal Meningitis 1
Aneurysm 1
Chronic Nephritis 1
Little's Disease 1
Rheumatic Fever 1
Endocarditis 1
Pericarditis 1
In the Infectious Diseases Group the causes were: Diphtheria,
12; and Scarlet Fever, 1.
The usual arrangements for the medical examination of
secondary school children were continued in 1938; 1,662 children
were examined, 519 of whom were boys and 1,143 girls. Table II.
of Appendix under this heading gives the detailed findings. 56 boys
(10.8 per cent.) and 131 girls (11.5 per cent.) were found to require
treatment, the most usual defect being defective vision.
Although the figures are small, a table similar to that given for
elementary school children and relating to height and weights has
been included below.