London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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for the storage of milk and also for the washing of utensils.
Alterations have been carried out to existing dairies in conformity
with modern practice.
Mechanical refrigeration and cooling is used by increasing
numbers of dairymen in the Borough as part of their equipment.
Enquiries show that approximately 22,947 gallons of milk
are sold daily in the Borough. Of this amount 96 per cent. is
bottled, just under 4 per cent. is loose, which is sold wholesale,
and the remaining small portion, namely, 25 gallons, is retailed
as loose milk. These figures are interesting in view of the fact
that fourteen years ago the whole of the milk sold was distributed
loose. The sale of this type of milk, whether in shops or on the
rounds, is discouraged.
Sterilised milk continues to be sold in the Borough.
Carton milk is sold in the Borough from three producers. In
addition, local producers use this method for part of their milk
distribution. This method, which appears to be gaining favour.
entirely eliminates the bottle, the carton being destroyed after the
milk is removed.
Large numbers of samples have been obtained both for
chemical and bacteriological analysis during the year. When a
sample of milk is not up to a reasonable standard of bacterial
purity the supplier, whether retailer or producer, is notified. At
the same time he is invited to interview the Chief Sanitary
Inspector. The methods of production and distribution are discussed
and suggestions made; these, when adopted, have produced
excellent results.
The majority of milk retailed in the Borough is uniformly of
excellent quality. The milk, however, sent in by the farmer to
the wholesalers continues to give trouble owing to the unnecessarily
high bacterial count, etc. This low standard makes it
necessary for the vendors to provide and maintain elaborate and
expensive plant to eliminate something which should be kept out
at the source.