London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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The importance of contact examination as a true preventive
measure is not appreciated by the public. The number of contacts
examined is low, due to the impossibility; of finding time with the
medical staff available. In this matter the family practitioner
could be of much assistance by advising contacts to accept the
facilities for examination and observation at the Clinic.
No. of persons on Clinic Register, January 1st, 1938 874
,, Notified Cases examined for the first time 97
,, Cases sent for an opinion 323
,, First attendances, including 48 transfers in 877
,, Consultations of T.O. with medical practitioners—
(a) Panel 24
(b) Other 633
,, Visits paid by T.O. to homes of patients 160
,, Visits paid by T.O. to Cheam Sanatorium 11
,, Visits paid by T.O. to Mayday Hospital 66
,, Patients examined by T.O. at Mayday Hospital 234
,, Visits paid to homes of patients by Health Visitors 2,913
,, Visits paid to homes of patients by District Nurses 680
,, Attendances of patients at the Clinic—
Men 1,787
Women 2,177
Children 789
Total 4,753
No. of Insured paients under Domiciliary Treaitment at end of year—
Pulmonary 186
Non-Pulmonary 13
Total 199
No. of reports received from Panel Practitioners (G.P.36) 425
„ Report forms sent to Panel Practitioners (G.P.36) 678
„ Reports received from Panel Practitioners on Forms G.P.17 6
„ Reports received from Panel Practitioners on Forms G.P.35 5
„ X-rays taken 620
„ Reports made to Ministry of Pensions by the T.O. on general
progress of Tuberculosis Discharged Ex-Service men 5
„ Cases referred for "Light" Treatment 7
„ Cases referred to Onthopaedic Clinic 17
„ Cases receiving extra nourishment at end of year 50