London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1937

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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Disinfestation by Hydrogen Cyanide is carried out in certain
cases before tenants occupy Corporation houses.
Two specially-built furniture vans are used. The furniture
and effects are collected and taken to the Disinfecting Station, here
the contents, still in the vans, are treated with Cyanide for the
required time. The van doors are then opened and the air extracted
by means of fans in the van roof. The whole of the furniture,
etc., is now removed to the open air, any packed goods are opened
out, clothes shaken and upholstered furniture beaten to remove
any traces of gas. Frequent chemical tests are made to ascertain
that no gas is left in the articles.
The furniture and effects are repacked into the vans and
delivered to the new address.
The air in the van and also the articles are chemically tested
at the place of delivery.
Bedding is treated by steam disinfection and delivered in a
second van to the house.
One day is taken to carry out the removal, disinfestation and
delivery of each household's effects.
One hundred and thirteen cases were dealt with during the
course of 1937 without any ill-effects to any person, either householder
or operator. Non-chemical gas masks are used by the
operators. In place of the usual chemical element a long armoured
tube is supplied to the mask. This tube is provided with a spike
to secure the end in a safe position away from the gas.
Houses are disinfested by means of sulphur and spraying
with various types of vermicides. Cyanide is not used in houses,
but is used for furnishings. This latter process is carried out in
the special vans.
Number of Council houses—
(1) Infested 33
(2) Disinfested 33
Number of houses other than Council houses—
Disinfested Nil
Number of houses, other than Council houses, disinfested by
owners or tenants—140.