London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1936

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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This works out, on an average population basis of 248,000
(1935), at a consumption of 29.4 gallons per diem per head, an
increase upon the consumption in 1935.
Rivers and Streams.
There are ouly small streams or ditclies. These have been
kept in a good state.
Drainage and Sewage.
Extensions of the system have been made to keep pace with the
growth of the Borough and the outside areas draining into the
Borough. About £48,000 has been expended in maintenance and
laying of new main sewers and surface water drains and a loan for
121,150 has been sanctioned by the Ministry of Health for further
extensions. At the sewage disposal works at Bedding ton, three
Activated Sludge plants are in operation dealing with 3½ to 5 million
gallons per day. A Sludge Digestion Tank at South Norwood will
be brought into use early in 1937. Six similar tanks are in course
of construction at Beddington.
Closet Accommodation.
All the buildings are provided with water closets connected
to a proper sewerage system excepting a few- cases of houses and
bungalows situate in remote positions, in which the sewage goes
to cesspits. Owing to topographical reasons, certain large houses
in Upper Norwood have their own sewage purification plants.
Complete and up-to-date methods are in operation for
scavenging and refuse disposal. There are two Refuse Destructors,
and at one of these a new Salvage Plant has been constructed for
separating paper, tins, etc., before passing to the furnaces.
Hospitals Provided or Subsidised by the Local Authority.
(1) Tuberculosis.
borough Sanatorium, North Cheam.
94 beds are provided for the treatment of early, intermediate
and advanced cases in adults.