London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1935

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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This desirable condition entails an enormous amount of detail
work at all times of the year, especially intensified during the hot
months, and it is only by constant vigilance that this can be
Additional legislation continues to impose new tasks on the
inspectorate. In addition to the actual examination of all foodstuffs
the inspectors also observe if the marking of the foodstuffs,
required by the various Acts and Orders, is being complied with.
The necessity for a wholesome meat supply entails the
examination of meat, not only in the shops, but also in the wholesale
markets. Carcases coming into the borough, but dressed
elsewhere, are subjected to minute examination. The private
slaughterhouses are visited and the dressed meat is inspected
before being passed out for human consumption, either in the
borough or elsewhere. In order that a proper supervision of the
food supplies in the borough be maintained it is necessary for the
inspectors to be on duty long after ordinary hours of working.
The Public Slaughterhouses are under the control of the
Superintendent, who also acts under the supervision of the Chief
Sanitary Inspector.
During the year there were 38,617 animals slaughtered for
human consumption, these figures being an increase of 877 on
those for the year 1934.
The following table shows the premises in the Borough at
which foodstuffs are known to be sold, manufactured or
General Shops 200
Grocers and Provision Shops 668
Greengrocers and Fruiterers 496
Confectioners, Bakers and Pie Makers 635
Ice-Cream Shops 310
Hotel and Restaurant Kitchens and Dining Rooms 304
Butchers 219
Fishmongers (including Fried Fish Shops) 147
Ham and Beef Shops 83
Sweet Manufacturers 10
Other Food Premises 19
in addition to the premises in the above table, there are the
following food premises, referred to in other paragraphs of this
report Slaughterhouses and dairies, cowsheds and milkshops
on the registers. Further, there are a large number of stalls and
barrows used for food purposes in different areas in the Borough