London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1935

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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Byelaws relating to Offensive Trades were adopted during
the latter part of the year 1925.
187 inspections were made of premises where such trades
were carried on and notices issued requiring amendments in
accordance with the Byelaws.
The following are on the register:—
Rag and Bone Dealers 33
Gut Scrapers 2
Fish Friers 70
Rabbit Skin Drier 1
Fellmonger 1
RAG FLOCK ACTS, 1911 AND 1928.
Seven samples were obtained and subjected to analysis, the
results being as follows: —
No. 1 contained 19 p;uts of Chlorine per 100,000
„ 2 ,, 10 „ „ „
„ 3 „ 14 „ „ „
„ 4 „15 „ „
„ 5 „ 11 „ „ „
„ 6 „ 8 „ „
„ 7 „ 14 „ „ „
The seven samples conformed to the standard of cleanliness
prescribed under the Rag Flock Regulations, 1012, made under
the Rag Flock Act, 1911. The legal maximum of chlorine
allowed is 30 parts per 100,000.
During the year 46 observations were made of factory
chimneys for the purpose of detecting offences under the Act.
Two notices were sent and amendments carried out to stop the
1.39 visits were made to theatres, music halls, cinemas, and
premises where stage plays are given. Attention was given to
the ventilation of the halls, sanitary conveniences, structure and
cleanliness of the dressing rooms. A report is submitted to the
Licensing Authorities annually. Notices were issued for the
conditions and defects as set out in the summary of defects
found (paragraph 10).