London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1935

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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Parity of the Cases.
Para 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10
No. of cases 30 6 3 3 1 3 2 10 1 1
The large proportion of cases drawn from deliveries in Mavday
Hospital is accounted for by 4 cases of Abortion and 14 cases
in Group 2 (non-genital infection) who were isolated on the first
day of a rise of temperature. This policy of isolating a case immediately,
and often before a diagnosis is made, is necessary,
because it is impossible at present completely to isolate a case within
the maternity department.
As Consulting Obstetrician to the Borough, the Assistant
Medical Officer of Health for Obstetrics was called in by medical
practitioners to see 29 patients who could not afford to pay a private
The cases were as follows: Threatened abortion, eclampsia,
obstructed labour, pseudocyesis, premature infant, puerperal peritonitis,
pregnancy and fibroids, post-abortum sepsis, thrombophlebitis
of superficial veins, toxic albuminuria of pregnancy, long
labour due to contracted pelvis, puerperal pyelitis, post-partum
haemorrhage, disproportion, delayed involution, hyperemesis gravidarum,
hyperemesis gravidarum, eclampsia, ante-partum haemorrhage,
abortion subinvolution, pre-eclampsia, Bartholinitis, obstructed
labour, pregnancy and chronic nephritis, haemorrhage following
abortion, prolonged labour, uterine sepsis, albuminuria of pregnancy,
threatened abortion.
In addition, he was asked by the Medical Superintendent of
Mayday Hospital to give an opinion on the obstetric and gynaecological
aspects of 39 cases in the medical and surgical wards of the
The preceeding pages deal with the maternity service in the
clinical control of the Assistant M.O.H. for Obstetrics. In the
following paragraphs some aspects of the general maternity work
of the borough are reviewed.