London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1935

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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In Mayday Hospital "Booked" cases 4 babies were stillborn,
an infant mortality of 18 per cent. In Mayday Hospital "Emergency"
cases one was stillborn and one died, an infant mortality
of 22 per cent. At St. Mary's Maternity Hospital, 3 babies were
stillborn, an infant mortality of 7 per cent.
The main reasons for Forceps Deliveries were: Rigid soft parts,
33; Posterior position, delayed rotation, 27; Disproportion, 5;
Foetal distress, 5 ; Various other causes, 5.
Caesarean Section.
Caesarean Section was performed 11 times: 7 "Booked" and
3 "Emergency" cases at Mayday Hospital, and 1 "Booked" case
at St. Mary's Maternity Hospital. In 7 cases the indication was
contracted pelvis and disproportion, 1 pre-eclamptic toxaemia, 1
placenta praevia, 1 previous obstetric trauma since repaired, and
1 heart disease.
There was no maternal death and no stillbirth. One baby
died at Mayday Hospital.
Bipolar and Internal Version (6 cases).
At both hospitals there were two "Booked" cases treated by
internal version, one for shoulder presentation and the other for
placenta praevia.
Two "Emergency" cases at Mayday Hospital were treated for
shoulder presentation. No mother died. Three babies were stillborn
and one died, a mortality of 67 per cent.
Embryotomy was performed once in a Mayday Hospital
"Emergency" case admitted for obstructed labour. There was no
maternal death.
Manual Removal of Placenta.
Manual removal was performed 17 times. There were six
"Booked" cases at Mayday Hospital and eleven at St. Marys
Maternity Hospital. No mother died.
Maternal Morbidity.
All cases of pyrexia and all maternal deaths after delivery are
included as morbid, except cases dealt with for the first time as
Puerperal Sepsis after delivery elsewhere. These are given in the
Report of the Puerperal Isolation Wards.