London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1935

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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The inability of the Dental Service to deal with all the mothers
anxious to obtain treatment is regrettable, inasmuch as it reacts
upon the attitude of mothers. There are, however, insufficient
dentists for sufficient supervision to be accomplished.
Referred by Tuberculosis Officer because of pregnancy 10
Referred to Tuberculosis Officer for opinion on lung condition 19
Venereal Disease.
GONORRHOEA—Total cases 9
Transferred to Borough V.D. Clinic 2
Transferred to Mayday Hospital 7
SYPHILIS—Total cases 15
Transferred to Borough V.D. Clinic 12
Transferred to Mayday Hospital 3
These cases are delivered in Mayday Hospital in Isolation
Wards, and transferred to the Borough V.D. Clinic on discharge.
Four of the cases were undelivered at the end of the year.
Other Conditions Treated as Out-Patients.
Chronic rheumatic carditis 11
Parenchymatous goitre 3
Retroverted gravid uterus 7
Scabies 6
Psoriasis 1
Midwives' Cases.
Many midwives' cases were sent when pregnancy was about
weeks advanced for a single consultation. A somewhat larger
number was supervised entirely at the ante-natal Clinic after they
had made their own arrangements for delivery at home in the care
of doctors or midwives. Expectant mothers who cancelled hospital
bookings are included in this group.
These cases may be summarised as follows : —
Total number of miwives' cases during 1935 365
Number of cases sent for one consultation only 128 (35%)
Number of cases supervised entirely 237 (65%)
Number of first pregnancies 130 (35½%)
„ second „ 70 (19%)
„ third „ 57 (153½%)
„ fourth „ 33 (9%)
„ fifth „ 28 (8%)
„ sixth „ or more 47 (13%)
Number of legitimate pregnancies 346 (95%)
Number of illegitimate pregnancies 19 (5%)
Number of cases referred to Hospital for Ante-natal
treatment, discharged undelivered and not readmitted
for delivery 3