London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1935

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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Number of Maternal Deaths (directly due to pregnancy) 8
Number of cases notified as Puerperal Fever 18
Number of cases notified as Puerperal Pyrexia 47
Statistics Prepared by the Obstetric Service.
Number of Expectant Mothers who attended the Borough Antenatal
Clinics 1,992
Number of cases delivered in Mayday Hospital as Booked cases 557
Number of cases delivered in Mayday Hospital as Emergency
cases 214
Total cases delivered in Mayday Hospital 771
Number of cases delivered in St. Mary's Maternity Hospital as
Booked cases 545
Number of cases delivered in St. Mary's Maternity Hospital as
Emergency case 1
Total cases delivered in St. Mary's Maternity Hospital 546
Number of cases admitted to the Puerperal Infection Unit,
Borough Hospital and Mayday Hospital Isolation Wards,
including 30 from Mayday Hospital and 4 from St. Mary's
Maternity Hospital 51
Number of Maternal Deaths* in Borough of Croydon 10
Number of Maternal Deaths in Booked cases from Borough
Ante-natal Clinics 1
Number of Maternal Deaths† in Emergency cases at Mayday
Hospital 3
Number of Maternal Deaths in cases admitted as Puerperal
Sepsis per se 3
Total Maternal Death† in beds of the Obstetric Service 7
The total number of patients treated by the Obstetric Service
(a) In Mayday Hospital 805
(b) In St. Mary's Maternity Hospital 551
(c) In the Borough Hospital Puerperal Infection Unit and
Mayday Hospital Isolation Wards, excluding 30 from (a)
and 4 from (b) 15
(d) At the Ante-natal Clinics and delivered outside the above
Hospitals (about) 270
(e) At the Post-natal Clinics, excluding those included in (a),
(b), (c), and (d), and including 90 delivered in 1935 124
(f) At the Ante-natal Clinics and undelivered on December
31st, 1935 548
Total 2,313
*Including 2 deaths not recorded by the Registrar-General as directly
due to pregnancy.
†Including 1 death not recorded by the Registrar-General as directly
due to pregnancy.