London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1932

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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5 cases were sent in as Puerperal Pyrexia: of these:—
1 case was Chronic Nephritis.
1 case was Acute Mastitis.
1 case was a bacillus coli infection.
2 cases diagnosis confirmed.
No deaths occurred amongst the Puerperal Fever and Pyrexia
There were 39 cases of Erysipelas admitted, an increase of 10
cases on 1931.
Three deaths occurred amongst these:—
One fatal case was complicated by Hemiplegia.
One fatal case was complicated by Heart Disease.
One fatal case was complicated by Senility and Bronchitis.
There were 157 cases admitted, an increase of 147 cases over
1931. This was due mainly to an outbreak in the Mayday Ravi
Homes and Pawsons Road Homes of the Public Assistance Committee.
These 5 cases were as follows:—
In 155 cases the diagnosis was confirmed.
One was a case of food rash only.
One was a case of teething.
The disease was of moderate severity, and 1 death occurred
due to broncho-pneumonia.
Whooping Cough.
48 cases of whooping cough were admitted, an increase of one
case from the previous year.
The disease was of a severe form, and 7 deaths occurred owing
to broncho-pneumonia developing as a complication; the death
rate being 16%