London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1930

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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Table XCVI.

Cases seen by the Orthopœdic Surgeon.

Cases.Visits paid.Cases.Visits paid.Cases.Visits paid.Cases.Visits paid.
Infantile Paralysis3094520......35114
Pes Cavus51012......612
Pes Planus982051017......108222
Genu Valgum49844295......91179
Obstetrical Paralysis1835513......2348
Tubercular Joint Disease3251610366274123
Wry Neck9171118......2035
Spastic Paraplegia92515......1030
Other Deformities651293450......99179
*Includes cases of ankle valgus, spasmodic valgus, and other predisposing causes of flat feet.

Summarised, the Table shows 477 school children attended and
made 1,005 attendances; 213 babies made 457 attendances; and
J36 adult tuberculosis made 62 attendances, a total of 726 cases,
making 1,524 attendances.
The following Table shows the number of cases referred direct
from the Orthopaedic Clinic for massage, Swedish remedial, and
electrical treatment, and also X-Ray examination at the Croydon
General Hospital. The figures show a reduction, due to an arrangement
come to whereby a number of cases, who formerly would have
been referred for exercises, etc., at the Croydon General Hospital,
are now referred to the Authority's Clinics at St. Andrew's Hall
or Lodge Road, the necessary treatment advised by the orthopædic
surgeon being done there by the whole-time masseuses. Cases
so referred are shown in Table XCVII.