London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1926

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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The 14 Grade A (Tuberculin) and Grade A Milks contained
bacteria per c.c. as follows:–
1,000 — 5,000 8
5,000 — 10,000 4
10,000 — 20,000 1
120,000 —150,000 1
Under the Regulations Grade A (Tuberculin Tested) or Grade
A milk must not contain more than 200,000 bacteria per c.c.
During the year 247 primary samples of ordinary milk were
procured and submitted to examination for tuberculosis in accordance
with the Milk and Dairies (Consolidation) Act, 1915.
These samples were taken as follows:—
Samples taken at cowsheds in the Borough 24
Samples in course of delivery from country cowsheds
to local dairymen and purveyors of
milk in the Borough 73
Samples taken at dairymen's premises in the
Borough 20
Samples taken in course of delivery by local
dairymen or milk sellers on their rounds in
different parts of the Borough 128
Other samples taken 2
Of the 247 samples two were found to be tuberculous.
One of these samples was stated to be from milk produced in
Surrey. An examination of the herd at the farm was made by
the County authorities. As the milk in question was from a large
dairy in the Borough of Croydon who also purchased milk from
other sources, there was a possibility of the milk from this farm
being mixed. This would seem to be the case as no positive
results arose from any of the investigations made.
The second sample in question was found to be from milk
produced in East Sussex. Notification was forwarded to the
County Medical Officer who had an investigation carried out which
showed that on the particular farm tuberculosis was found after
the animal had been slaughtered under the Tuberculosis Order,