London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1926

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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Bakehouses have been regularly inspected and many improvements
carried out during the year. The ingredients used and the
processes are kept under inspection to encourage as far as possible
the production of wholesome, clean foodstuffs.
The manufacture or sale of ice-cream is carried on in 236
premises. Inspection of these places is made under the Croydon
Corporation Act, 1900, which contains provisions for the regulation
of the business. Much of this commodity is now wrapped in
hygienic covers at the source of manufacture.
Premises where cooked meats and other meat products are
prepared and sold received frequent inspection.
Other premises where foodstuffs of various kinds were sold
also received routine inspection, and a table, showing the various
premises on the register, is set out below.
Statement of premises in the borough at which foodstuffs are
known to be sold, manufactured and stored:—
General Shops 118
Grocers and Provision Shops 486
Greengrocers and Fruiterers 223
Confectioners, Bakers and Pie Makers 325
Ice-cream Shops 236
Hotel and Restaurant Kitchens and Dining Rooms 128
Butchers 201
Fishmongers (including fried fish shops) 104
Ham and Beef Shops 37
Sweet Manufacturers 3
Other food premises 1
In addition to the above there are the following food premises
referred to in other paragraphs of this report:—slaughterhouses
and dairies, cowsheds and milkshops on the registers. Further
there are 133 stalls and barrows used for food purposes in different
areas in the Borough and forming street markets. There are also
barrows and other vehicles which are used by hawkers, &c., for
the selling of foodstuffs, but it is difficult to estimate the actual
number in use, as this varies daily. All these barrows and
vehicles, wherever found, are inspected by the Food Inspectors.
In earning out the inspection of food premises the co-operation
of the various traders has been of great assistance.
In view of the Public Health (Preservatives in Food) Regulations
a number of traders are now installing refrigerating