London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1925

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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The children receive a midday meal at the school, at a charge
of 4d. per head per day, or 1s. 6d. per week; nearly all the children
pay the cost of the meal.
A clinic is held at the Town Hall for the examination of
children and others referred for investigation on account of backwardness
or suspected mental deficiency. Particulars as to the
numbers seen and the action taken will be found in the school
medical report.
The Centre is open for five days each week, from 9.30 a.m. to
3.30 p.m., and occupies rooms on the ground floor of Grangewood
Museum, the first floor being occupied by the Special School.
The younger children attend daily morning and afternoon,
and the senior girls on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoons
from 2 to 2.30.
The staff consists of a supervisor and two assistants, while an
assistant to the school work is also provided.
Class I. (Low-Grade Children).—The average attendance has
been 15 daily out of 24 on the register. The subjects taught are :
easy hand occupation, drill, sense training, singing, polishing and
easy household work, such as setting a table, sweeping up crumbs,
clearing table, etc. Through co-operation with the Special School
these children get a two-course dinner each day for 1s. 6d. weekly,
or 4d. per day.
Class II., for girls over 16, is held on three afternoons weekly.
Instruction is given in plain sewing, hemstitching, raffia mats and
basket making, and rug making. 11 girls are in regular attendance.
It is hoped to increase the numbers attending these classes
during the present year.
1 here were thus 35 children attending during the year. 10 new
cases were admitted and 7 left during the year.
A small sale of the work of the pupils was held in July. As a
result, £5 was handed to the Borough Treasurer.
A Christmas Party was held in December, attended by 65
children, parents, and by members of the Mental Deficiency Committee.