London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1924

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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2.—The pathologist to be an honorary officer of the hospital,
and to hold a salaried appointment under the Corporation.
3.—The Council also to provide and pay for all other assistance
at the laboratory, apart from cleaning; the Council
to be responsible for the maintenance and replacement of
certain apparatus; and to pay an agreed rental.
4.—The pathologist to undertake: —
(a) the pathological work of the Croydon General
(b) all the pathological work now done at the Borough
Fever Hospital for practitioners and for the Public
Health Department, in connection with infectious
(c) such other pathological or bacteriological work of the
Council as may from time to time be required, and in
particular the bacteriological examination of milk,
the testing of diphtheria organisms for virulence, and
the examination of specimens for venereal disease;
(d) to keep the Public Health Department supplied with
sterilised outfits and media;
(e) to examine and report on all specimens submitted for
examination, by methods applicable in a pathological
laboratory, sent in by medical practitioners in connection
with insured persons or their dependants, subject
to the pathologist having power to refuse examinations
of specimens where this could not reasonably be
required, cases in dispute being referred to the Medical
Officer of Health for decision;
(f) to consult with medical practitioners, either at the
laboratory or at the patient's own residence, on pathological
questions affecting diagnosis, and to assist,
where desirable, in taking specimens necessary for
such diagnosis;
(g) to supply the Council, the Medical Officer of Health or
his deputies with such information regarding his
work, records or procedure, or in respect of individual
specimens, as may be required;
(h) to give free access to the laboratory and to its records
at all times to the Medical Officer of Health or his
It is hoped that the erection of the laboratory building will be
commenced during the present year. The scheme will give much
needed facilities for pathological diagnosis, and clear indication has
been received of the acceptability of the arrangement to the medical
practitioners of the town,