London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1914

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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(6) Eyes—Mongoloid, presence of epicanthic fold.
(7) Ears—Size, setting, conformation, lateral symmetry,
size of lobes, attachment of lobe to the
cheek, supernumerary lobules.
(8) Tongue—Enlarged, furrowed, papillæ enlarged.
(9) Teeth—Irregular, absent, enlarged incisors.
(10) Palate—Arched, narrow.
(11) Fingers—Webbed, clubbed, defective in number
or shape, supernumerary digits.
(12) Limbs—Excessive length of upper limbs.
VI. Mental Conditions: —
[A'.B.—In assessing mental conditions, the tests designed
by Binet and Simon are recommended.
(a) Reactions of Motor Mechanism:—
(1) Formation of Motor Ideas. (Execution of simple
movements from imitation).
(2) Storage of Motor Ideas. (Execution of simple
familiar command by word of mouth).
(3) Power of control, initiative, purpose, and concentration.
Success of motor output. (Execution of
familiar complex movement).
(4) Motor Incompetence. Attitude in standingposition
of head, spine, knees. Gait. Position
of arms, hands, fingers, in horizontal extension.
General balance.
(5) Motor Instability. (Habits.) Rocking of body,
rubbing hands, spitting, biting nails, or licking
(6) Motor Disturbance. Tremors (face, hand, tongue),
Chorea, Epilepsy, Aphasia, Hemiplegia.
(b) Reactions resulting from Sensory Stimulation:—
(1) Attention—colour, shape, size, smell.
(2) Formation of Memory Images:
(а) Recognition, objects, sounds.
(б) Recollection.
(3) Association of Ideas.
(4) Judgment (for example—length, size, distance).
(5) Relationship (similarity, contrast, symbolism).
General concepts (possession, self-protection, purpose,
concentration, initiative).
(c) Emotional Conditions:—
Interest, excitement, aggression, co-operation, affection,
&c. (positive or negative phases).