London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1914

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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This inconclusive result may be attributed to the changes
which took place in the herds during the interval (one month)
between the procuring of the primary sample and the declaration
of the result of the examination
Nos. 2, 3 and 4.
These three samples may be grouped together, as all the milk
supplies from which they were obtained came from distant parts
of the country, rendering the inspection of the herds by the
veterinary surgeon a matter of difficulty, or at least of very considerable
expense, consequently the local dairy concerned, the
farmer, and the Medical Officer of Health for the district in which
the farm was situated, were in each of these cases communicated
with and the position, under the provisions of the Croydon Corporation
Act, 1900, pointed out.
The information obtained from one or other or all of the
parties concerned enables the following statement to be made
relative to these cases.
No. 2.—It is known that the local dairy firm took action in
this case, but nothing definite as to details of that action is available.
The examination of further repeat samples (four in number)
showed no evidence of tuberculosis.
No. 3.—The Medical Officer of Health for the district in
which the farm was situated, accompanied by a veterinary
surgeon, visited this farm and examined the cows, two of which
were clinically tuberculous, though an examination (microscopically)
of samples of milk drawn from these cows failed to reveal
the presence of tuberculosis.
The Local Authority considered they had no power to deal
with these cows, presumably owing to the suspension of the Tuberculosis
Order, and that the udders were normal, or at least not
However, as in the opinion of the local Medical Officer of
Health and the veterinary surgeon these cows were tuberculous,
the Croydon dairy firm was communicated with and action taken
by them resulted in the removal of the cows from the farm.