London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1914

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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Deaths in Public Institutions 12, 16, 17, 38
Deaths and Death Rates from various causes (Zymotic
Diseases, Phthisis, &c.) 15—16
Death Rates 12—16
Death Rates (1901—1913) 42
Death Rates (England and Wales) 16
Death Rates of Infants 18,14
Density of Population 40
Diarrhoea Deaths (Table XII. A XIII.) 50—53
Diphtheria 18
Diphtheria Cases (month and parish) 47
Disinfecting Articles 30
Disinfecting Houses 21
Erysipelas 19
Erysipelas Cases (month and parish) 48
Excess of Births over Deaths 10,11
Factory and Workshop Act 54—60
Health Visitor 24
Holborn School and Workhouse (Inmates, Deaths, &c.) 38, 41
Hospital, Isolation 32—34
Hospital, case's removed to 33, 34, 37
Houses (Number and Increase) 8—10
Housing of the Working Classes Act 23
Illegitimate Births 11
Increase in Number of Houses 8,9
Increase of Buildings 27
Infantile Mortality 13, 14, 38, 39
Infantile Summer Diarrhœa 19, 50—53
Infectious Diseases 17—20, 37, 44—48
Inspectors' Work 29—30
Institutions (Inmates, Deaths, &c.) 16, 17, 38, 39
Isolation Hospital—
Accommodation 32
Patients admitted 33, 34
Staff 32
Deaths from various Infectious Diseases 33,34
Legal Proceedings 28