London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Croydon 1908

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Croydon]

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The District consists of eight parishes, and the total
area is 21,001 acres. The largest Parish is Coulsdon,
with 4,314 acres, and the smallest Wallington, with
823 acres.
In the year 1901, at the time of the last Census, the
population was 38,071, but omitting the three large
institutions, viz.:— The Cane Hill Asylum, the
Holborn Workhouse, and the Holborn Schools, the total
population was 34,180, of which number 16,202 were
males and 17,978 were females.
At the middle of 1908, the population was estimated
to be 62,150, but omitting all institutions, the corrected
number was 57,600, of which number 27,845 were
males and 29,755 were females.
The number of inhabitants in the three large institutions
has increased from 2,468 in 1891 to 3,642 in
1908; this shows a decrease of 117 since the middle of
The number of occupied houses in the District was:
In 1881 3,730
„ 1891 4,845
„ 1900 6,597
„ 1901 7,027
„ 1902 7,694
„ 1903 8,316
„ 1904 9,421
„ 1905 10,493
„ 1906 11,614
„ 1907 13,086
„ 1908 11,362