London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Coulsdon and Purley 1959

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Coulsdon]

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In addition, at the Reedham Bath, regular tests are carried
out by an Inspector to check the chlorine content and the Ph value
of the water.
During the early part of the year representations were made
to the Divisional Education Authority and to the Headmistress
as to the desirability of providing adequate purification plant in
connection with a proposed 'Teaching Swimming' pool at Keston
County Primary School.
The plans are now well advanced and the necessary filtration
and chlorination plant has been installed.
The Fabrics (Misdescription) Act, 1913
The Fabrics (Misdescription) Regulations 1959
The above mentioned Regulations which came into force on
the 11th May, 1959 prescribe new standards of non-inflammability
for textile fabrics to which is attributed the quality of noninflammability
or safety from fire or any degree of that quality.
During the year 17 shops were visited in pursuance of the
Regulations and in no case were goods stocked to which the
Regulations apply.
During the year the Minister of Housing and Local Government
issued a Memorandum setting out the various measures being
taken by the different government departments and agencies to
assess the extent, and control so far as possible the sources of
Much of the work being done is of direct interest to local
authorities but it would appear that apart from seeking advice of
the particular department concerned in the event of a local problem
arising, no further action need be taken by individual authorities
at the present time.
In the meantime the training of local authority officers in
radiation matters is receiving attention.
Disinfection and Disinfestation
Disinfection is carried out when considered necessary following
cases of infectious disease and otherwise on request and on
payment of a small charge.
Bedding and other clothing if possible is disinfected by
arrangement with the Wandle Valley Hospital in a steam disinfector
at the hospital. Sick rooms and other articles are disinfected
by means of formaldehyde gas or spray, and library books
are treated in a disinfecting chamber at the offices at 73, Brighton
Road, Purley.