London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Coulsdon and Purley 1955

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Coulsdon]

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given by the proprietors in connection with the inspection of their
The Public Health Committee later considered a set of draft
Byelaws received from the Ministry of Housing and Local Government
and, with minor amendments, agreed to submit them to the
Minister for preliminary approval.
During the year 2 houses needed to be, and were disinfested
owing to the presence of bed bugs. Action was also taken by the
Department in 53 cases of infestation with other pests such as flies
and wasps.
In the majority of cases disinfestation was carried out by
spraying with a proprietary insecticide.
The following table is a tabular statement indicating the
action taken in 1955 under this Act.
During the year, 93 visits were made to the Council Depots
at Millstock, Purley Oaks, Kenley and Old Lodge Lane, and land
at Littleheath Woods, Selsdon.
In accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Agriculture
and Fisheries a routine test baiting of the sewers in the
District was carried out, with negative results.
The Council's charges for services rendered in the destruction
of rats and mice at premises other than private dwellings were
increased during the year from 6/3d. per hour to 8/9d. per hour
plus the cost of materials.
The flat rate charge of 5/0d. in respect of private dwellings
remains the same.
the Council continues to undertake the routine disinfestation
of local schools and school canteens owned by the County Council,
as and when necessary, on a contract basis.