London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Coulsdon and Purley 1952

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Coulsdon]

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The routine inspection of food shops and other premises
where food is prepared continued to form an important part
of the work of the Sanitary Inspectors. A register of all such
premises includes the following:—
Confectioners 61
Butchers 29
Fishmongers (Wet and Dry) 18
Fishmongers (Fried)) 8
Bakers 27
Greengrocers 48
Ice-cream premises 107
Cafes and Restaurants 67
Grocers 71
With very few exceptions all these premises can be considered
to comply with the minimum requirements based on Section
13 of the Food and Drugs Act, 1938, but the standard in many
premises is, of course, much higher than the minimum.
The Inspectors found in practice that the maintenance of a
reasonably high standard of Food Hygiene in food premises,
and amongst food handlers, can only be attained by regular and
frequent inspections and during the year 1,215 visits were made
for this purpose.
Every opportunity is taken of discussing the subject of Food
Hygiene with the food handlers and others, and a number of
local organisations have been addressed on the subject, the talks
being supported by film strips and sound films.
The Chief Sanitary Inspector reports that "as a further measure
of control and advisory work, increasing attention has been given
to the standard of washing up in catering premises. For this
purpose, swabs have been taken from washed crockery and the
varying results obtained have provided very useful evidence of
the need for improved technique and closer attention to this aspect
of the meals service. It is hoped to pursue this line of action
with combined tests of utensils and washing-up water, and already
there is evidence that interest has been stimulated and consequently
better standards obtained."
The Council has adopted the new Model Byelaws issued by
the Ministry of Food in connection with the Handling, Wrapping
and Delivery of Food and Sale of Food in the Open Air, and
copies have been circulated to all food traders in the District.