London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Coulsdon and Purley 1951

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Coulsdon]

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treatment, this increase is to be welcomed. On the other hand, as
the majority of cases occur among the most active age groups of
the working population, a reduction in the incidence of tuberculosis
would have a substantial effect on the manpower situation,
fully justifying priority for a concerted effort to diminish its
It is on these lines, coupled with preventive action against
the airborne and respiratory diseases in general, that there is most
hope of improvement in the near future, but mention is made in
various parts of this Report of preventive measures against other
forms of illhealth.
In concluding may I suggest that, while this Report attempts
to fulfil its primary function of assessing the health of the District,
indicating trends and opportunities for improvement, it might have
a greater value if, your Medical Officer of Health being also
Divisional Medical Officer for the area, official encouragement
was given to the inclusion of more information regarding at least
the other local branches of the Preventive Health Service. Your
Council is represented on the Divisional Education Executive, to
whom an annual report on the School Health Service is presented,
and the South Eastern Divisional Health Sub-committee, which
deals with the local Maternity and Child Welfare, District Nursing
and allied Services, but only a few Councillors know of their
activities. Although these bodies only cover the majority but not
all the local Services of the County Council as the Health
Authority, local interest would possibly be greater if a more comprehensive
report on the Health Services in the District was made
available in this way.
Finally, I would like to take this opportunity of thanking
the Council and all who have been associated with the health
services for their encouragement and co-operation during the
year, and particularly the Chief Sanitary Inspector, his Deputy
and my Administrative Assistant for their contributions towards
the friendly team spirit which has been maintained in the local
Health Service, and for their assistance in the preparation of this
I am, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Your obedient Servant, •
Medical Officer of Health.