London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Coulsdon and Purley 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Coulsdon]

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It will be seen that the chief causes of death in the District were
Heart and other circulatory diseases (including Cerebral Haemorrhage)
167, Cancer 63, followed by Violence (including Suicide) 27, and Respiratory
Tuberculosis, Pneumonia and Digestive Diseases each with 15.
The percentage of deaths due to heart and other circulatory diseases
was rather more than last year, altogether constituting over two-fifths
of the total deaths.
As has been previously stated, in so far as this group includes deaths
in elderly people from what is really old age, it is hoped that the proportion
of deaths coming under this heading will increase.
This year 72 per cent. were over 65 years of age at the time of death,
while 40 per cent. were over 75 years of age, being slightly less than
the corresponding figures last year.
Of the 28 per cent. which were under 65 years of age, only about
3 per cent. were definitely connected with rheumatism, the chief cause
of heart disease in the young, or were congenital in origin. It is probable,
however, that rheumatism was responsible for the original damage in
a much larger proportion, although not mentioned on the Death
Once again about a quarter of this group of deaths was in respect
of persons under 65 years of age in whom the postponement of death
might reasonably have been expected had undue strain or stress been
There was a considerable reduction in the number of deaths from
cancer during 1938, only 14.5 per cent. of the total deaths being due
to this disease as compared with an average of 17.8 for the preceding
five years. Considered in relation to population, the Cancer Death Rate
was 1.15 per thousand of population in 1938, compared with 1.61 last
year and 1.36, 1.28 and 1.49 in the preceding three years, corresponding
figures for England and Wales being 1.66 for 1938, 1.63, 1.62, 1.58 and 1.56
Too much should not, however, be deduced from the lower rate
experienced locally in 1938. From 1915-24 the average Cancer Death
Rate in the District was 1.13 per thousand of population, and 1.26 from
1925-34, the corresponding figures for England and Wales being 1.21
and 1.44. It will thus be seen that on the whole an increasing proportion
of deaths is being attributed to this disease. An increasing effort is
being made to reduce this too common cause of death, but it would be
unwise to suggest that the local decrease signifies anything more than
a coincidence at this stage.
The following I able gives the age, sex and distribution of the disease
in the 63 deaths which occurred during 1938.