London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Coulsdon and Purley 1935

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Coulsdon]

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No occasion arose during the year necessitating the taking of ???ps
by the Council to secure an Order for the compulsory removal to hospital
of a person suffering from Pulmonary Tuberculosis.
For Infectious Disease Cases.—Two motor ambulances have been
provided by the Wandle Valley Joint Hospital Board for the removal
of cases of Infectious Disease to the Isolation Hospital.
For Accident and General Cases.—The Council has provided
two motor ambulances for the removal of accident and general cases.
These ambulances are under the control of the Fire Superintendent.
Special facilities are provided for the conveyance of maternity cases
to the Purley Memorial Hospital, which were extended in 1935 to include
cases going to the Epsom Public Assistance Hospital.
For Infectious Diseases.—This Council is one of the constituent
Authorities forming the Wandle Valley Joint Hospital Board, and cases
of Infectious Disease (other than Small Pox) occurring in this District
are admitted to the Board's Hospital at Beddington Corner. Building
extensions are expected to be made during 1936, and the provision of
additional cubicle blocks for observation purposes will be specially
welcomed in this District.
Small Pox.—Under an arrangement with the Surrey County
Council, cases of Small Pox from this area are admitted to the Small
Pox Hospital at Clandon.
General Hospitals.—The Croydon General Hospital and the
Purley War Memorial Hospital receive patients from this District, but
a number of residents receive treatment at the London Hospitals.
Public Assistance Hospitals.—Patients from this area are
admitted to the Public Assistance Hospitals at Epsom and Kingston.
Maternity Hospital Accommodation.—The Council has an
agreement with the Purley Memorial Hospital whereby the Council
has the call on four beds. If accommodation permits, additional cases
can be admitted.
Under this scheme, 80 cases were confined at this Hospital during
the year 1935.
A number of maternity cases from this area are confined at the
Public Assistance Hospital at Epsom.
Reference is made in the section on Maternity and Child Welfare
to the need for extending this accommodation.