London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Chislehurst 1949

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Chislehurst]

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The following is a resume of the work carried out by the
Sanitary Inspectors affecting private dwellings.
No. of premises inspected 1,369
No. of visits 8,415
No. of premises with defects 760
No. of premises rendered fit 779
No. of informal notices 932
No. of formal notices 13
There were no clearance orders, demolition orders or individual
"unfit" houses declared during 1949.
So far as is known, the overcrowding, as defined by the 1925
Housing Act, is shown in the table on following page. This overcrowding
is based on the number of persons per room and does not
take into consideration the far more important factors of kitchen,
lavatory and washing accommodation which make for happy living.
Movable Dwellings, Etc.
There are two camps of pickers' huts in the District, which were
used during the'year, and of which 15 inspections were made. Unsatis-,
factory conditions continue to exist at Chalk Pit and Corkes Meadow,
where there is an accumulation of movable dwellings.