London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Chislehurst 1910

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Chislehurst]

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Of the infectious diseases which are not notifiable, viz.,
Measles, Influenza, Whooping-cough, and Diarrhœa, only one death
resulted: from Whooping-cough in July at Jubilee Road—a child
aged two years.
Fifty-five cases of infectious disease were treated at the
Bromley and Beckenham Joint Isolation Hospital, and were admitted
as follows:—
January. 4 cases (Scarlet Fever).
February. 5 ,, (Scarlet Fever).
March. 8 ,, (7 Scarlet Fever, 1 Diphtheria).
April. 2 ,, (1 Scarlet Fever, 1 Diphtheria).
May. 3 ,, (2 Scarlet Fever, 1 Diphtheria).
June. 7 ,, (Scarlet Fever).
July. 10 ,, (Scarlet Fever).
August. 4 ,, (Scarlet Fever).
September. 5 ,, (4 Scarlet Fever, 1 Diphtheria).
October. 3 ,, (2 Scarlet Fever, 1 Diphtheria).
November. 2 ,, (Scarlet Fever).
December. 2 ,, (Scarlet Fever).
Total 55 cases (50 Scarlet Fever, 5 Diphtheria).
One death occurred at the Hospital from Scarlet Fever in
January, to which I have previously referred.
Inspections. Inspections have been made by me during the
year in connection with the following matters:—Various schools
in the District; insanitary dwellings at Jubilee Road and Whitehorse
Hill; dairies, cowsheds, and milkshops; drainage in various
parts of the District; slaughter-houses; Housing and Town Planning
Act; laundry at Sidcup; bakehouses; these inspections were in
addition to many inspections and visits in connection with cases of
infectious disease, especially Scarlet Fever and the subsequent
legal proceedings.