London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bexley 1971

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bexley]

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A pilot scheme in a Primary school on the subject of "Growing Up" was undertaken at the
end of the Christmas Term. Parents of fourth year junior pupils were invited to see two films
on this subject followed by discussion with the staff and Health Education Officer. The parents
were then invited to return on another evening with their children to view the films together.
This proved to be a most acceptable way of coping with this subject, parents appreciating the
support the school was able to give without taking the responsibility away from the parents.
Teachers and medical and nursing staff had a combined seminar on the subject of "Drugs"
in November. The speaker was Dr. Anthony Wood from the Health Education Council. This
subject naturally stimulated a great deal of discussion and interest and further action is being
In the Spring Term an exhibition is to be arranged at the Teachers' Centre in Sidcup to
stimulate more interest amongst teachers on the subject of health education in school.
Youth Clubs have taken an interest in health education and speakers have been requested
on various subjects. In October a Senior Medical Officer and the Health Education Officer took
part in a day conference on Drugs arranged by the youth leaders for all those concerned with
the guidance of young people.
A most successful venture has been the introduction, since June, of slimming groups at
various clinics throughout the Borough. These groups are conducted with the approval of the
participant's general practitioner, and the demand has been such that waiting lists have had
to be compiled. In addition to discussions on sensible eating and problems of dieting; films,
demonstrations and discussions on many aspects of health have been introduced. It is interesting
to note that although these groups are open for men as well as women, only one gentleman
has enrolled, but there have been many reports that overweight husbands have also lost weight
(sometimes more than their wives)! The credit for this effect has been given to the fact that
increased knowledge about nutrition has been reflected in family menus, and therefore both
parents and children have benefited.
Concern by the Health and Social Services departments on the subject of Hypothermia
led to two interesting lectures given by Dr. William Budd, Consultant Geriatrician from Joyce
Green Hospital, Dartford, to the combined professional staff of the two departments.
Arrangements have now been made for a symposium to be held early in the New Year for
the home-helps on this important subject.
The importance of stressing good nutrition, and the prevention of home accidents has been
carried out by all district nurses and health visitors in their daily contact with the elderly.
Talks on these subjects have also been given to groups of senior citizens.