London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bexley 1953

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bexley]

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The following relates to the Stillbirth Rate during the past ten years:-

Rate per 1,000 for England and Wales, 195315.0
„ „ „ „ County Boroughs and Great Towns, including London0.43
„ „ „ „ Smaller Towns (estimated population 25,000 to 50,000 at Census, 1951)0.34
„ „ „ „ London Administrative County0.38

There was one stillbirth registered as illegitimate.

All causes413365778
Death rate per 1,000 of estimated home population8.8
Number of women dying in, or in consequence of, childbirth:
From Puerperal and Post Abortive Sepsis
From other Puerperal Causes33
Death rate per 1,000 total Give and still) births2.63
Deaths of Infants under one year of age12416
Death rate of Infants under one year of age:
Total per 1,000 live births14.36
Legitimate per 1,000 legitimate live births13.89
Illegitimate per 1,000 illegitimate live births29.41
Deaths from Measles (all ages)
„ „ Whooping Cough (all ages)11
„ „ Diarrhœa (under 2 years of age)
„ „ Cancer (all ages)10085185