London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bexley 1946

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bexley]

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The death rate of 8.55 per 1,000 is the lowest rate achieved
in the Borough since the outbreak of the war and compares
favourably with the rate for England and Wales, which is 11.5.
Generally speaking, the health services of the Borough were
well maintained during the year and there is ample evidence
from the statistics relating to Clinic attendances that the
Maternity and Child Welfare Services, in particular, are now
accepted by the residents of the Borough as an important
factor in the day to day business of rearing healthy children.
There can be little doubt that this is due, in no small measure,
to the painstaking educational work undertaken, over many
years, by the Health Visitors.
The year under review was notable for the passage into
law of the National Health Service Act, 1946. Containing
as it does the promise of a considerable expansion and coordination
of the health services of the country in the years to
come, it is a measure to be welcomed. Its immediate effect,
on the other hand, so far as the County Districts are concerned,
will be to transfer to the County Councils many health
functions, particularly those relating to Maternity and Child
Welfare, which have been exercised with distinction by many
local authorities for many years. It is earnestly to be hoped
that, in working out the details of the new services, an adequate
degree of delegation to these authorities, or groups of
authorities, will be made so that local initiative and experience
shall be retained in the new order of things.
Towards the end of 1946 Dr. Bramley, who had been
Medical Officer of Health for the Borough since 1936, relinquished
his appointment on being appointed as Deputy
Medical Officer of Health to the Kent County Council. I am
sure he would wish to join with me in expressing thanks to the
members of the Health Department for their loyal help and
support during the year, and to the members of the Health
Committee for their unvarying help and encouragement.
I am,
Your obedient servant,
Medical Officer of Health.