London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bexley 1941

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bexley]

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The waiting list for dental treatment for nursing and expectant
mothers and children under the age of five steadily increased until
it became necessary to do less conservative treatment and arrange for
more extractions. With the return of dental surgeons to civil life
from the Services after the war it will be possible and necessary to
increase the number of dental sessions.
During the year terminal disinfection after cases of infectious
diseases such as scarlet fever and diphtheria was discontinued, and
the opportunity is taken here of stating ,for the purpose of
reassuring any who may have looked upon this as a step likely to
increase the incidence of infectious disease, that the'number of
cases of these diseases, as will be seen in the summary of vital
statistics, has continued at a very low figure.
During the year the Council considered reports on scabies and
the head and body louse, and made arrangements for the full use of
the Disinfecting Station.
The work of the Sanitary section of the department has also been
increased with new types of responsibility in view of the changing
conditions of the war and mode of living.
The water supply despite temporary dislocations due to war
damage in the early part of the year has been maintained and a pure
and wholesome water has been available bontinously.
The collection of house refuse fell very much in arrear due to
the shortage of labour, but with the institution, of the system of
street bins for twice weekly collection of waste food for pig
feeding, the household dustbin despite the fact that it has not been
emptied for periods up to three weeks should no longer be a source
of nuisance even without its lid,
I have to record my indebtedness to the Council, other
departments, and every member of the Health Department for the full
assistance which they gave me throughout a very busy year.
GEO. F. BRAMLEY, M.D. , Ch.B. , D.P.H. ,
Medical Officer of Health.