London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bexley 1938

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bexley]

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1937, due to the operation of the more generous scale,
the seeking out of necessitous persons by the Health
Visitors, and a larger number of unemployed, and as
it encourages the further use of pasteurised and therefor
safe milk, there can be no doubt that the return
despite the high cost of milk will be well worth while.
A reduction in the price of milk to families where there
are children under the age of five, or where there is
an expectant mother in the house, is overdue. Milk at
reduced prices is supplied to school children and surely
it is more necessary for the younger children and their
mothers, and a simple scheme for its issue could quickly
and easily be devised. At present there are few families
with young children who can afford to buy the amount
they should have.
14,4831bs. of dried milk were supplied at cost price
for infants attending the Centres, and Virol and Cod
Liver Oil to the extent of 2,364ilbs. were also sold.
(v) Dental Treatment.
Before the operation of the Corporation Dental
Clinic, 87 children under the age of five years were
referred to the Education Committee's Clinics for
(vi) Orthopaedic Treatment.
The Council has an arrangement with the Kent
County Council whereby children under the age of five
years can attend for consultation and treatment at the
Dartford Clinic, held at the County Hospital, Dartford.
Sunlight treatment, massage and remedial exercises are
also available for appropriate cases suffering from
Orthopædic defects.
Ninety-five children attended for the first time
during 1938, and also made subsequent attendances.
28 children who were previously on the Register also
attended. Three children were referred for in-patient
treatment and two for X-ray treatment. 81 appliances
were recommended and 894 attendances at the Orthopedic
Clinics were made.
In view of the distance to travel and the cost of
fares, especially where frequent attendances for massage
are required, it has been brought to the notice of the
County Authority that a clinic held periodically in this
Borough, with facilities for massage and remedial