London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bexley 1925

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bexley]

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The Buildings which comprise the Upper Hospital,
Lower Hospital and Pavilion, are capable of dealing
with 40 cases at once.
The Lower Hospital is used chiefly for dealing with
diphtheria cases.
During that period the number of cases treated in
the Hospitals was 523.
In the year 1922 an outbreak of Small Pox occurred
within the Area, but fortunately, owing to the steps that
were taken with the same, the outbreak was confined
to 2 cases; one of these proved fatal.
At the time these cases occurred 21 persons were
vaccinated by myself as Medical Officer of Health.
In this connection, I wish again to draw attention
to the fact that the percentage of children vaccinated,
compared with the number of births registered, is very

The following particulars relate to the cases of Infectious Disease notified during the year 1925:—

DiseaseTotal Cases NotifiedCases admitted to HospitalTotal Deaths
Small Pox
Scarlet Fever6358
Enteric Fever (including Para-Typhoid)2_
Puerperal Fever22
Encephalitis Lethargica22

Two of the patients suffering from diphtheria died
at home, shortly after notification of the cases had been
received by myself.
Anti Toxin is now used much more in connection
with this disease than was the case some years ago.