London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Beckenham 1948

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Beckenham]

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3. Number of Maternity cases ad- Beckenham 337 460
mitted Penge 123
3a. Number treated in Ante-Natal
beds 26
3b. Average duration of Ante-Natal
Stay 2 days
4. Average duration of stay 10 days
5. Number of cases delivered by
(a) Midwives 317
(b) Doctors 105
6. Number of cases in which medical 31 up to 31/3/48, when the
assistance was sought by a practise of issuing medical
midwife in emergency aids ceased.
7. Number admitted after delivery 6
(included in 3)
8. Number of cases of Pemphigus
Neonatorum Nil
9. Number of cases notified as:
(a) Puerperal Fever Nil
(b) Puerperal Pyrexia 5
10. (a) Number of Infants who have
at any time received a supplementary
feed while in the
Hospital (excluding the first
3 or 4 days) 52
(b) Number of Infants wholly
breast fed on leaving the
Hospital 365
11. (a) Number of cases notified as
Ophthalmia Neonatorum Nil
(b) Result of treatment in each
12. Number of Maternal Deaths Nil
13. Number of Still Births 11
14. Number of Infant Deaths 5