London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Acton 1953

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Acton]

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During the year 934 cases of infectious diseases were notified,
compared with 978 during 1952. Of the total notifications 546 were
in respect of measles and 182 in respect of whooping cough.
During the year 5 cases of poliomyelitis were notified, 4 of which
were paralytic. One death was attributed to polioencephalitis after
a post mortem examination on a girl aged 6 years, who had been
found dead in bed. This case was not notified.
Food Poisoning
Food Poisoning Notifications (Corrected) Returned to
Registrar General
1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Total
Nil 2 9 3 14
Outbreaks Due to Identified Agents :
Total Outbreaks 1 Total cases 16
Outbreak due to Staphylococci aureus.
Outbreaks of Undiscovered Cause:
Total outbreaks 2 Total cases 310
Single Cases:
Agent identified 5 Unknown cause 3 Total 8
(4 Salmonella organisms)
(1 Staphylococci aureus)
The outbreak due to staphylococci aureus occurred at a wedding
reception held within the Borough and attended by 44 persons.
About three hours after partaking of a meal, 16 guests became ill
with diarrhœa and vomiting and were removed to hospital.
Staphylococcus aureus was isolated from faecal specimens.
Samples of all unconsumed foods and drinks were collected by
the hospital authorities and on examination a growth of staphylococcus
aureus was obtained from cooked tongue only. The tongue,
which was purchased by a Mrs. B, a guest who lived outside the
Borough, was cooked and pressed at her home in hygienic conditions
and brought over to Acton on the day before the reception.
It was put into a cellophane bag and stored in a cool place.
On the morning of the reception it was sliced and placed on