London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Marylebone 1919

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for St. Marylebone, Metropolitan Borough]

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The following Tables, which have been prepared for the Ministry of Health and
the London County Council, show the work carried out at the several Dispensaries:—
Statement of work carried out in connection with the Dispensary Treatment of Tuberculosis
during the period 1st January, 1919, to the 31st December, 1919, and sundry particulars in
connection with the scheme of treatment.


Name of Dispensary.Names of Dispensary Medical Officers.Date of Approval of Appointment by Local Government Board.Days and Hours when the Dispensary is open.Number of Persons including Contacts who were examined for the first time during the period from 1st January, 1919, to the 31st December 1919, at or in connection with the Dispensary and where:—Number of Persons diagnosed to be suffering from Tuberculosis who were treated of supervised at or in connection with the Dispensary during the period from 1st January, 1919, to 31st December, 1919.Number of Persons who were under treatment, super-vision, or o servation at or in connection with the Dispensary on the 31st December,1919.Number of Persons re erred for diagnosis or treatment to the Hospital with which the Dispensary saffiliated during the period 1st January, 1919, to 31st December, 1919.
Diagnosed as suffering from Tuberculosis.Diagnosed as not suffering from Tuberculosis.Undiagnosed and remaining under observation.Total Number Examined.
St. Marylebone Anti-Tuberculosis Dispensary.James Donaldson Saner. M.B., C.M., D.Ph.Monday, 9—6 Tuesday, 9—6 Wednesday, 9—12 Thursday, 9—9 Friday, 9—6 Saturday, 9—1101193161162293445228326853413
Margaret Street Hospital for Consumption.Dr. Thomas. Dr. Milligan. Dr. Barcroft. Dr. McClure.1st April, 1916.Daily, 1.30—4.30, or as long as may be necessary.17125132120132933-
Middlesex Hospital.Dr.Kilner.January, 1915.Daily, 1.30. Wednesday, 6 p.m.9326812161418