London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Hampstead 1912

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Hampstead, Metropolitan Borough of]

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Workshop Inspection.
The following particulars relate to tlio workshop inspections made
during 1912, bakehouse inspections being omitted. The total number
of inspections made during the year was 561, as against 740 in the
previous year.
Nine workrooms were found on inspection to require cleansing;
8 of these were cleansed on the request of the Inspector, and in 1 case
it was necessary to serve a notice before the work was carried out.
Ventilation and Warming.
In one workshop the means of ventilation were found to be
inadequate, and proper means were provided.
One workshop was found to be warmed by a gas stove unprovided
with a flue to carry off the products of combustion. This is a contravention
of Section 6 of the Factory Act, in which it is laid down that
the measures which in every factory and workshop "must be taken for
securing and maintaining a reasonable temperature in each room in
which any person is employed,.... must not interfere with the
purity of the air of any room in which any person is employed." A
proper flue was fixed to the gas stove.
All the workrooms in the workshops are measured by the Inspectors,
and the cubic space in each room is ascertained. The maximum number
of workers that can legally occupy the room is then calculated, and this
information stt out on a card supplied bv the Council, which is hung up
in each room. The number of legal occupants varies according as
ovt rtime is worked, or whelher the room is used as a sleeping room as
well as a workroom. During 1912, 27 new workrooms were measured.
Overcrowding was found in 2 instances, but was abated on the
service of notices.
Abstract of the Act.
Section 128 of the Factory Act provides that an abstract of the Act
"shall be affixed at the entrance of every factory and workshop, and in
such other parts thereof" as the Factory Inspector may direct; and
Section 133 of the Act provides that "when any woman, young person,
or child is employed in a workshop in which no abstract of this Act is
affixed as by this Act required, and the Medical Officer of Health of the