London's Pulse: Medical Officer of Health reports 1848-1972

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Bethnal Green 1858

[Report of the Medical Officer of Health for Bethnal Green, Parish of St. Matthew ]

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lopmental, and 87 to the class of Violent Deaths. "In the
order of their fatality" you will see that Consumption occupied
the first place, Pneumonia the second, Scarlatina the
third, Bronchitis the fourth, Tabes the fifth, Old Age the
sixth, Whooping Cough the seventh, Typhus the eighth,
Diarrhœa the ninth, Measles the tenth, Convulsions the
eleventh, and Teething the twelfth. As regards the fatality
of the first 8 diseases, 1 person out of every 410 fell by Consumption,
1 out of 482 by Pneumonia, 1 out of 557 by Scarlatina,
1 out of 658 by Bronchitis, 1 out of 838 by Tabes or
"Abdominal Consumption," 1 out of 851 by Age, 1 out of
918 by Whooping Cough, and 1 out of every 1007 by
Just as in London so in Bethnal Green there was an increase
in the deaths by Epidemics, the rise in the one being
81, in the other 2445. With us their ratio of mortality was
1 out of every 3'91 deaths, in London 1 to 4.75. Our large
onslaught from Small Pox, consequent often on neglect of
vaccination, forms a melancholy characteristic of the year.
Unhappily, too, Scarlatina assumed a most malignant type;
in several instances proving fatal in the eruptive stage. In
many cases no special insanitary conditions prevailed; showing,
in the words of Mr. Simon, "it is impossible to doubt
that the severity of its attack mainly depends on conditions
peculiar to the person of the patient, and that no perfection
of external circumstances will insure mildness of infection."*
Diptheria, or "Malignant Throat Disease," is registered under
Scarlatina, and among its victims are recorded—in an
open well-constructed house—a father and two sons, of the
respective ages of 35, 9, and 7 years. In social position the
six Epidemics constituted 1 out of each 6 of the deaths of the
* Dr. Greenhow says too, "that the average annual proportion of deaths
produced by Scarlatina in Glendale, the healthiest district in England, is about
the same as occurs in Liverpool, the unhealthiest city in the kingdom."